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Comfort U25


Scope: Concept / Art Direction / Design 

Every woman in the world has a strong passion and an endless love for clothes. However, the love they have for clothes isn't well-translated into the care they give to it. Your clothes deserves to be loved, let Comfort show you how.

* All visual material and concept ideas belong to T&A Ogilvy

* Branded materials belong to Unilevers

Comfort had long been loved & become a part of Vietnamese washing routine since 21 years ago thanks to its softness & fragrance, which was often felt clearly in handwash laundry. 

As life evolves & life becomes busier, especially among “working housewives”, consumers start to switch to using washing machine and also look for more convenient products, particularly sensorial liquid detergents which also promise softness and fragrance just like fabcon. As consumers moving from handwash to washing machine,

So why don't we challenge women's love of clothes by bringing them to the realisation that washing, especially machine wash, actually plays a part in damaging all the clothes they love, thereby, triggering them to use Comfort fabcond as a way to protect, care and keep their clothes always in the best condition?

For that, we have our creative idea: 


- cue:

To create a consistent look as well as make our brand asset more visible and well-linked with machine washed behavior, we create a lense inspired by front door washing machine.

This lense that helps you to take a peek into the truth behind the "lovey dovey" relationship between you and your clothes.

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- start:

To kick start the campaign, we will raise a question: “Bạn có chăm sóc “người ấy" đúng cách?” to trigger people discussing about how they care for their “someone". The teasing post will come with 3 photos that reflect the 3 actions of cloth neglection, yet told in a double-meaning way to mislead it with couple relationship:


Torn: describing a couple fighting with the woman grabbing the man's shirt and stretching it

Tormenting: the couple fight with the woman twisting the man's collar

Neglecting: the woman pushing the man away

The teasing post comes in 3 photos

*Please click the image for full resolution




After the teasing post, we will launch our key asset which is a photo album to show how the clothes will look like depending on how it's treated. Each photo will reflect two ways: good treat and mistreatment with reversed action to create a visual impact and a clear comparison between good treat with Comfort and mistreatment without Comfort.

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The lense splits into 2 sides, one with Comfort and one without. The character has almost similar poses and set of clothes on both sides but opposite emotions, one with comfort displays love, carefreeness and happiness with their clothes in BRIGHT, SOFT, FRESH state while the opposite is sad and unconfident with DULL, WRINKLED, UNFRESH clothes. The set of the background is also same on both sides but with different colorways

*Please click the image for full resolution

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A colorful funky tone with energetic and fashionable clothes. Minimalistic and solid color block set up for a bright uplifting overall look. Props are optimized to enhance space and depth without cluttering the frame



*Images of moodboard were gathered on pinterest and weren't officially used in the released artworks



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Cover Photo

Features the talents in a romantic loving air with their poses implies connection and love to keep the "Love and Relationship" theme consistent from phase 1.

*Layouts of final artwork may varies from the original sketch

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Features male talent posing in a funky vibe, jamming to his music with a dance move, at the same time interacting with his clothes, this interaction varies between the two sides of the lense

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Features female talent posing in a playful yet relaxed vibe, spreading her flowy dress to enjoy herself with her clothes and the air. Opposite to the playful relaxed mood of the Comfort side of the lense are sad, rigid mood and emotion due to her dress being rough without Comfort

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Features male talent in a dynamic fashionable vibe, arching his back to emphasize his inhale off the scent and freshness of his clothes. His reaction to the scent interaction varies between the two sides of the lense. The flower pattern in his clothes symbolizes freshness and flowery scent, which were distorted and warped in the other side of the lense suggesting the unfreshness of clothes without comfort

Project was made thanks to the guidance, support and great teamwork from these amazing people:

Lan Huong Nguyen - Creative lead

Phuong Ha Le - Support Designer

Nam Do - Agency Producer

Thao Nhi Le - Account lead

Ho Le - Visualiser

Tung Chu - Photographer

Thanks for watching

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